On Tue, 2 Apr 2002, Rich C wrote:

> I have found this to  be the case with my setup, but I thought it was
> due to my SMC router. When I set up a virtual host in the router to
> route http port 80 to my internal machine (192.168.1.x) port 80, the web
> site is NOT visible from inside the network, but it IS visible to people
> outside. We have this same problem here at work with Microsoft's RAS
> router software too. I don't know what the mechanism is, but somehow,
> outgoing http requests to the same IP address are being ignored instead
> of looped back.
> Changing the port to something different either on the inside or outside
> does not affect this behavior.

I just set up a SmoothWall box this weekend as a router/firewall for a
friend's home net, and saw this same behavior. We took the Mandrake box
that had previously shared NAT and server duties and brought it inside,
with ports (including 80 & 8080) forwarded from the Smoothie. Local
connections to Apache are now only possible by giving the internal IP of
the server box; the old URL still works fine from the outside world - and
yes, he's on attbi. :)

One nice feature of SmoothWall is the inclusion of scripts to update any
one of several Dynamic DNS providers automagically - we used the one for
dhs.org (and it worked), but they include one for dyndns.org also.

As for using the hostname assigned by attbi, I've never had a problem with
it before or after the change from MediaOne. It just works. I have a
new domain, less than a week old,  using DNS from Granite Canyon; I just
set up a CNAME record to point to my attbi hostname, and all is well.


Bill Mullen
Apr 2, 2002

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