On Tue, 24 Aug 1999, Michael Krause wrote:

> On Tue, 24 Aug 1999, Timothy S. Nelson wrote:
> > >         libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.1) is needed by lilypond-1.2.0-1
> > >         libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.0) is needed by lilypond-1.2.0-1
> > 
> >     Looks like you need a new version of libc too.  
> Simply overriding the dependencies with --nodeps can help as well
> (provided he has a glibc2 installed -- 2.0 or 2.1 usually doesn't
> matter).

        I'd recommend that he ensure he has all those things installed first 
-- the dependencies aren't just for fun :).  

> >     Incidentally, I'm fairly new to this list, and I was wondering, was it
> > ever figured out why lilypond-1.2.0 dumped core on Redhat 6?  Even when I
> > compiled from the SRPM myself?  
> Hmm, interesting. I had some core dumps lately as well, in the 1.1
> development versions; Lilypond dumped core after reading some of the
> input files. Recompiling usually fixed this (note that I don't think
> it's my flakey hardware). Can you tell us more?

        More in what way?  I've got lilypond 1.1.58, and it works just fine
(although it produces strange messages, but I suspect that's normal).  I
downloaded the 1.2.0 RPM (yes, the Redhat 6 one), and installed it, and ran
it.  Core dumped.  "Right", I told myself, "probably some kind of linking
problem or something".  So I got the source, and installed it (after a little
fiddling).  Same thing.  So, eventually, I ripped that out and put 1.1.58 back
in.  I was running 'ly2dvi -N -P $1.ly 2>&1' in a shell script.  Is there
anything else I should mention?  It's a fairly straightforward Redhat install
(not with everything, but with all the dependencies), with a bunch of
Powertools stuff installed.  I don't think I have yodl anywhere, but I'm not
particularly fussed about documentation -- the raw yodl isn't *too* ugly.  

| Name: Tim Nelson          | Because the Creator is,               |
| E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | I am                                  |
Web: http://www.ne.com.au/~wayland/
NB: I have a BSc. (Comp.Sci.) and I need a Job

Version 3.1
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