>       More in what way?  I've got lilypond 1.1.58, and it works just fine
> (although it produces strange messages, but I suspect that's normal).  I
> downloaded the 1.2.0 RPM (yes, the Redhat 6 one), and installed it, and ran
> it.  Core dumped.  "Right", I told myself, "probably some kind of linking
> problem or something".  So I got the source, and installed it (after a little
> fiddling).  Same thing.  So, eventually, I ripped that out and put 1.1.58 back
> in.  I was running 'ly2dvi -N -P $1.ly 2>&1' in a shell script.  Is there
> anything else I should mention? 

Please try to run lilypond in GDB and send a copy of the stack trace
(GDB command: bt). Does it happen for all input files? Even when 
you run lilypond without any parameters?


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