> Please guys, which binary are you talking about?  I know that trying
> the RH 6 binary on a RH 5.2 system (or vice versa) doesn't work, so
> don't do that.  I don't feel like finding out what that problem is
> caused by.  It seems like a library incompatibility from the part of
> Red Hat.

I see! I'm using lilypond-1.2.0-1.i386.rpm. On my system
`uname -a` returns "Linux euboia 2.2.7 #17 Fri Apr 30 20:00:18 MEST 1999 i486 unknown"
I have also tried with all other lilypond 1.2.? packages I've been able to find from
the pages of the project. Is there anyone that might tell me where could I fetch
a lilypond package suited for my system?

Thanks a lot,

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