How can a mango, which when eaten, transports one straight to heaven,  be 
called "malcurado" which means poor colour ? Sorry folks...but I think 
someone did right when they changed the name to mankurad which suggests a 
meaning related to curing man or mind. ;- ) Sure man ! Mankurad has the 
curative properties that lead to sheer bliss. Besides, the word "mankurad" 
is far removed from any meaning related to the word "poor"  being linked 
with it. So I for one am happy someone changed the word from malcurado to 
mankurad. Three cheers for that person !!!

Speaking of mangoes there is a Pakistani variety ...don't know what it's 
called but it's delicious. It looks like the Totapuri and Neelam mango of 
India which is longish in shape. Maybe some Pakistani Goan can shed more 
light. This mango is exported to the Middle East and it's one of the few 
things from Pakistan that I am ready to admire. ;- )

And speaking of the unholy use of words and languages, I tell you I can 
stand Portuguese being abused the way it is with various sign boards in Goa 
(after all I don't speak any Portuguese and so don't know any better :-)) 
but what I can't stand is the pseudo-English-Portuguese accents on Konkani 
words. So Colgutey becomes Calangute and Ponjey becomes Panjim and so on and 
so forth. And they are written that way too ! That is sheer murder. What dya 
think ? ;-)


>From: "Paulo Colaco Dias" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [Goanet] Re: TIMES: Balcony View
>Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 11:32:43 +0000
>Hi Eddie,
>I too smell a trap in your last e-mail :-)).
>1. If you read the first e-mail from Gilbert, he starts this thread by
>mentioning that "malcurad" or "malcurada" are corruptions of the original
>Portuguese malcorada name. So, obviously you will not find "malcurad" in a
>Portuguese dictionary. The task you ask me is also impossible and you know
>it very well beforehand.
>2. As our Fred Noronha says and very well, malcorada in Portuguese means
>poor colour - mal corada. And that is exactly what the developer/creator of
>Malcorada Mangoes had in mind when he/she named that tree Malcorada
>(according to Eng. Agr. Fernando do Rego - Fontainhas -Goa - who has 
>an excellent and extensive study about Goan Mangoes and also according to
>other authors who have written about Goan mangoes). There are also many
>poems written in Portuguese about Goan Mangoes where you will find
>"malcorada" name. Malcorada Mango was first developed in Goa and sent to 
>other colonies from Brazil to Macau.

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