On Sat, Mar 13, 2021 at 3:42 PM Jan Mercl <0xj...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Not false at all. If you have more than one party, differing in
> conflicting opinions on a subject and you make a final decision, you
> _must_ ignore at least arguments of one of the parties.

We have different interpretations of "ignore". To me, "ignore" means "be
unaware of or pretend they don't exist".
You seem to use it as "disagree about their validity or the weight they are
given in the decision". That seems questionable to me.

That's nothing
> wrong. It's the only way to make the decision happen.
> Would the decision have been to not introduce generics in Go, the
> arguments of people advocating generics would have to be - in the end
> - ignored.
> > So please be mindful of how you communicate.
> I would like to ask for the same - but not only from S.A.

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