Hi Jeff,

On 28 Okt., 21:11, Jeff S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Our queries and indices are rather simple. I should clarify:
> > The particular problem I'm talking about is a view that currently has
> > a response time of about 360ms and almost all of the time (280ms) is
> > spent on datastore put()/fetch()/get(). IOW, runtime CPU usage is low.
> > If you only read data then 360ms would probably consume less than
> > 1500mcycles, but since this view primarily writes to the datastore it
> > consumes more than 10,000mcycles! That's really bothering me because I
> > already get yellow warnings for views that consume more than
> > 1000mcycles and here I have red warnings. How am I supposed to
> > implement a simple write operation if it eats mcycles so quickly? Can
> > I just ignore the warning since only runtime cpu counts and we
> > primarily consume datastore cpu in this case?
> From your description, it sounds like the datastore CPU usage need not
> concern you. If the CPU Usage listed on the admin console is at an
> acceptable level and the logs do not contain large amounts of high CPU
> request warnings, then your app should be okay.

Well, that's the problem. The dashboard shows a warning sign ("<!>")
and very high "Avg CPU" usage for that URL, but the logs don't mention
anything at all for that URL. So, which is more correct? The dashboard
or the logs? :)

Normally, if I consume too much CPU I get an explicit warning
*message* in the logs:

      10-25 06:48AM 43.525 / 200 802ms 2754mcycles <!> 3kb
      This request used a high amount of CPU, and was roughly 2.6
times over the average request CPU limit. High CPU requests have a
small quota, and if you exceed this quota, your app will be
temporarily disabled.

As I said, that warning message doesn't appear. But if I print
something to the logs I can see in the header of the log entry that
the request consumes a huge amount of CPU (e.g., "15000mcycles <!>",
please note the "<!>" warning *sign*). Why do I *not* get a warning
*message* although I can provoke a warning *sign* if (and only if) I
print something to the logs?

Also, why does the CPU quota usage go up and down so quickly? A few
minutes ago I had 40gcycles used and after I visited that high-CPU URL
four times it went up to 85gcycles and a few minutes later it went
back to 0. I thought this was a *24h* moving window? Don't get me
wrong. I don't mind quota usage going back to zero every few minutes
(or seconds would be fine, too). :)


Waldemar Kornewald
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