Well, I really wanted one that comes in a charger....not battery hassles...just put it in the charger...I guess I got spoiled by the one I had...

I tried a BT mouse with one of my laptops. Total pain. Always having to discover, etc. Argh!


Brian Weeden wrote:
If you are looking for a bluetooth mouse, I have a Logitech v470 that I use
with my notebook when I travel and love it.  Small enough to travel yet
still comfortable (and I have fairly big hands), good battery life and
response and ambidextrous for us southpaws to boot.

I always have trouble finding good mice because as a lefty many of the good
ones are shaped for righties only.


On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 1:09 PM, Winterlight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

At 03:40 AM 9/30/2008, you wrote:

I can't seem to find a review of a good mouse with a charging base. I
currently have a Logitech MX700. It's old and seems to be getting flakely in
tracking. I'd like to replace it with another mouse that has a recharging
base.  Any recommendations?  Thanks.

The only one I would even consider right now is the MXG7. It is a laser
cordless mouse.

 But isn't the MX700 a optical mouse keyboard set? For a set get the
MX3200.   Do not get a Blue Tooth Keyboard Mouse = MX5000 or MX5500..... it
is the worse thing Logitech has ever put out since cordless hit the market.
Of course, their drivers, in general have gone from 100 percent reliable..
something you don't have to worry about .... to <ify> back everything up
before you install them.

 Blue tooth delay is extremely pronounced, and Logitech Bluetooth software
simply doesn't work. You will spend weeks trying to sort it out, ... that is
assuming you can get it installed in the first place. Just check the
Logitech forums to read all the complaints and screaming.

I have been using Logitech cordless mice, and later mice keyboard combos
since the first one came out in the Win3.1 days. A big 3 button mouse that
was great to play the original Doom with.
But just recently, I made the mistake of getting a MX5000 and I have tired
of cordless delays as the mouse comes out of sleep mode, and worse
...content disconnects. I wanted trouble free performance, and  greater
mouse precision.

I just got a refurbished corded Logitech G15 keyboard... the original one
with the fold up back lit LCD screen. I love this thing. To go with it I got
a corded G5 mouse on a Teflon pad. This thing is so light and responsive it
is like snot on ice. Going back to corded was not as annoying as I thought
it would be, mostly because I sit in front of a 30 inch monitor now and I
don't really move the keyboard and mouse around anymore.

Although on my second PC I use a MX3000 cordless set .... I wish I could
buy more of these. It is an older version and has the MX1000 laser mouse...
a MaxiumPC favorite.

Good luck.

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