At 09:36 AM 26/05/2010, Joe User wrote:

Takes me about 3 days to a week in real time. Actual time in front of
the system is around 3 hours. Depends on HDD speed, amount of data and
type of data (lots of archives suck). Charge no less then 100.

Check out others around you. Geek Squad charges around 200, IIRC.
My local ISP sends out tech support drones for 120. Not nearly as
thorough - sounds like they are 'recovery disk wizards' mainly.

Yeah, I think I'm way under priced. I actually had a machine in two weeks ago that had been to another small shop, then Staples (both of whom had "cleaned" the computer of infections.) IE still didn't work. I removed another 57 infections. Fixed the IE issues (hijacked DNS and fake proxy) and had them working. Clearly I need to charge more.


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