Any reason not to just scan with the customer drive attached to a bench machine as a data volume & bypass the OS completely? I've come to the conclusion that scanning with a host OS of unknown state is just not reliable anyway.

Imaging the system, a good preventative measure anyway, then uninstalling the AV is another idea.

Safemode comes to mind though it disables so much I am not sure it's a viable 

On 5/25/2010 1:12 PM, Thane Sherrington wrote:
When a computer comes into the shop, I like to disable the current AV so
as to speed up the scans and prevent two AVs conflicting. I've been
disabling the AV's services, but I've found that when I do that with NIS
(surprise, suprise, it's a piece of crap) then it shuts down access to
the internet because it's firewall is off. Then I end up having to turn
the service back on (no small feat because the PoS tries to prevent
changes to it's service settings even though it's turned off.) Does
anyone know of a better way to disable AVs (especially NIS) without
uninstalling so that I can still access the internet?


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