> No one is saying the majority did cheat. But if an actual fair test were
to take place, no cheating is something that has to happen.

Not possible, nor reasonable to expect. There will always be bad actors..
Would it be reasonable to expect there to never be a hacker or cheater on a
Valve server? If there were, should they ban everyone on the server, or
maybe just the people playing that class?

Of course not.

The reasonable, equitable, and fair response is to create/implement systems
that deal with them. Punishing the good with the bad is not only bad
policy, it is self-limiting, as eventually they would end up with nothing
but official servers left.

Consider the paradox with that - only official servers left for a game that
relies almost entirely on community-generated content. Diversity gives a
game legs - Valve knows that better than anyone in the business.

This isn't a sense of "entitlement". I don't think that asking for
equitable treatment after providing the infrastructure and support for a
game for 7+ years is acting "entitled". Hell, if all Valve were to do was
re-design the UI to better display the choices available to the players,
I'd be perfectly happy with that. Something like this has been discussed
quite a bit:


If you take a look at that, all it really does is display more choices for
the player, while keeping the same functionality (i.e. number of clicks)
for those folks that want to maintain the status quo. what would be the
downside to that?

For the record, I've been a member of this mailing list since around early
2009 or so, and I can't remember a single instance of people making threats
or anything else of that nature towards Valve on this list, so I'm not sure
where that impression comes from.

I've never been disrespectful towards Valve or the TF2 team, as I think
that would be counter-productive at best. I am, however, an advocate for
community servers, and I will continue to argue
for equitable treatment and better ideas until the day I walk away from the
game.  I firmly believe that players that find a "home" server (or group of
servers) , and become a "regular" of those servers become long-term
players. I have 2 million players in my stats database that give me more
than just anecdotal evidence.

With 400k players installing TF2 a month, our average daily players should
be climbing, not staying flatlined for two years straight. The game is
losing the culture that turned new players into long-term players, and we
can get that back. It's a cause, I believe, worth fighting for.

On Fri, Oct 30, 2015 at 12:01 AM, Calvin J <cal...@swiftnode.net> wrote:

> That's not actually a big percentage of the servers, gametracker posts
> ~38k servers, that's just servers opting into queries, we can guess there's
> probably another 5k not allowing queries. (eg. ESEA)
> So it's literally less than 1% of servers that got banned, and to compound
> that, a lot of server hosts aren't subscribed to this list. So 500 servers
> out of probably 40-45k total servers is actually pretty decent.
> On 10/29/2015 11:52 PM, Daniel Barreiro wrote:
> Did you see what happened in CSGO when Valve banned custom knife plugins
> and stuff like that? They gave advanced notice, told people to remove it or
> face consequences, and then we ended up with like 500+ banned servers a
> week later. That was a pretty big % of the serverbase.
> If Valve runs a test with making community servers opt-out, there'd be no
> going back. If they tried going back after making that change you know
> exactly what the backlash would be.
> --
> Calvin Judy
> Founder & CEO
> PH#: (843) 410-8486
> Mail: cal...@swiftnode.net
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