I get your concern, but with reasonable limitations this should follow the 80/20 rule. If you want a perfect solution for every single possible offense and catch every sneaky sob then life really isn't for you.

So far this is working out for csgo. A bunch of servers were banned, and with the official notice people on scripting forums do not support skin plugins anymore. There might be stuff crawling up for a next ban wave but the interface is in place, works, and contained most of the madness.
Current limitations also require a phone number iirc.
Keep in mind that by losing the token/the acc they should lose all favorites.

On 19.12.2015 03:06, Cats From Above wrote:
The token system adds a cost to starting a server, if I'm not mistaken, by requiring users to have a full steam account. However, many community hosters out there make a reasonable turn over and would easily be able to justify the cost of a full Steam account as nothing other than a mild inconvenience that is part of the cost of doing business. Even if there was an Steam account age involved, I know many people have accounts sitting around for the sole purpose of letting them age - usually hackers but in this context such might benefit rogue server operators also.

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