On Sep 12, 2012, at 10:28 PM, Mark Andrews <ma...@isc.org> wrote:
> Which is a UI / product support problem.  The Mac has DNS registration
> under Sharing.  It requires manual entry of the TSIG key which
> currently has to be entered into the nameserver for each device.
> It could be made as simple as BlueTooth associations are.

It's probably true that a homenet router could be set up to allow for DNS 
updates from remote locations using a TSIG or SIG(0) signature.   It might be 
nice to list this as a feature if we feel it can be specified cleanly.   But as 
you say, it would be necessary for third party devices to implement this, and 
in order for them to do that they have to perceive a need.   It could happen; I 
just don't think it's going to be valued enough to motivate people do make the 
effort required to set it up.   I think there are a lot of steps between where 
we are now and an environment where people see the need for this.

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