Seorang berkebangsaaan Kanada membutuhkan donor darah AB Negative ASAP
Kalau ada kawan yg cocok darahnya dan berkenan menyumbang, mohon kontak Kedutaan Canada dg alamat dibawah. Trims.


EngHoo Tan 1/15/2008 2:04 PM >>>


A Canadian citizen is in need of blood type AB negative, see below. If anybody can be of help, please contact the Embassy directly.

Cheers, Eng Hoo

ICCC Secretariat 15-01-2008 11:46 >>>

Dear ICCC Membership and Friends;

Please contact the Embassy directly if you are able to assist with this urgent request.

Thank you in advance,
ICCC Board of Directors

------Original Message------
From: Hanny Surya
To: Lisa EDICCC Usman
Sent: Jan 15, 2008 11:28
Subject: FW: Type AB Negative Blood Required


Grateful if you can forward this to ICCC members....Need it urgently! Thanks so much!

Hanny Surya

From: Hensler, Chad -JKRTA -AG
Sent: January 15, 2008 10:36 AM
To: Surya, Hanny -JKRTA -TD
Subject: FW: Type AB Negative Blood Required

Hanny, could you please pass this information along to the ICCC for distribution?

We have been contacted by the family of a hospitalized Canadian citizen who requires a transfusion of AB negative blood. The patient has been told that there is currently no supply of this blood type in Jakarta. Please contact me if you or a family number might be able to assist.


Chad Hensler
Second Secretary (Management) and Vice-Consul
Deuxième Secrétaire (Gestion) et Vice Consul
Seketaris Kedua (Manajemen) dan Konsul Muda
Embassy of Canada, Jakarta

+62 (21) 2550-7844

+62 (815) 1000-0069

+62 (21) 2550-7811

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