On Thu, 10 Sep 2009 15:44:12 -0500, Rick Fochtman wrote:

>I'm involved in a discussion (read "argument") with co-workers where I'm
>currently doing a consulting gig.
>Which is more effieient for CLIST/REXX libraries? the choices are
>I lean toward the VB-format, btt I have at least one person here
>insisting that FB/80 is a "Industry standard" and is absolutely
>mandatory. The libraries are NOT LLA/VLF managed.
>Opinions and/or criticisms, please.
o First, silicon is cheaper than carbon.  The criterion
  for "more efficient" should consider the cost of human
  resources, before computer resources.

o "Industry standard"?  Not any more.  (But I can remember
  when ISPF (at the time SPF) panels were distributed as VB;
  IBM later switched to FB (circa 1980?).

o When Rexx for TSO/E was first announced, I saw an IBM Intro
  publication which recommended VB without line numbers and
  liberal use of mixed case for human legibility (I sense MFC's
  hand here).  I can no longer find that pub, and IBM imediately
  failed to walk their talk.

o ISPF is the _only_ editor/viewer I know that won't soft-wrap
  long lines to fit the screen without scrolling back and forth
  (although some rely on auto-scrolling to follow the cursor).
  Particularly painful when I want to insert a few characters
  in a line that has more than 80 (or whatever) characters to
  the right of the insertion point.  I need to Change and
  overtype.  Or when I delete a character, a blank gets inserted
  at the point of the right screen boundary and I must scroll
  right and delete it.  There should be a Requirement for ISPF
  (optionally, in profile) to soft-wrap long lines to screen
  width.  (Or is there such a Requirement already?)  I just go
  use another editor rather than fight it.  (All our data sets
  are NFS exported.)

-- gil

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