>That's the point of (EMV) "chip" cards.  >They are inherently more secure.  

Why are they more secure?
INTERAC Canada has been telling us that they are.
So far, on their web-site, the proof presented has been: "They are more secure".

When they sent me my new chip card, through the bank I use, nothing had changed.
They even kept the same PIN, which is supposed to be a secret.

Except for a different slot in the debit machine, the process for payment is 
the same.

Where is the 'enhanced' security?
What makes it so?

I honestly don't know if this is off-topic, because debit cards, in Canada, are 
still processed on mainframes, for the Big Five, at least.

And, the mainframe, if you aren't stupid, is still the most secure processing 
environment, chip cards aside.

(Yes! My bias is showing.)
Too busy driving to stop for gas!

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