The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. (David Cartwright) writes:
> At Monsanto Europe in Brussels about 1976 I wrote some mods to VM/370 to 
> defeat Shadow Page Tables for V=R machines so we could run MVS under 
> VM/370 without a crippling overhead.  I sent that code out into the world on 
> some (Waterloo?) VM Mods tape, but my own copy got dumped in some move 
> down the years. Wish I had it now, it would go really nicely on Herc.

re: LPARs: More or Less?

the stuff done on csc/vm ... that leaked out to at&t, had been about
the same time ... slightly eariler.

the design of the shadow page tables followed the semantics for the
hardware "look-aside buffer". the virtual machine has page tables that
translate virtual addresses to what it thinks are real
addresses. However, these are actually virtual addresses for the virtual
machine. So when VM runs a virtual machine ... in virtual memory mode
... it is actually run with "shadow page tables". Shadow page table
entries start out all invalid. The virtual machine immediately page
faults, vm then has to look at the (virtual) page tables (in virtual
machine) to translate from the virtual memory address to the virtual
machine address ... vm then looks it its page table to translate from
the virtual machine address to the real machine address. It is this
"real machine address" that is placed into the shadow tables.

The early, low & mid range 370s had a single STO stack ... everytime
there was a change in the virtual address space pointer ... the hardware
lookaside buffer was cleared and all entries invalidated. Early VM370's
shadow table operation had similar design, single STO stack, everytime
the virtual machine changed virtual address space pointer, all the
shadow page table entries were cleared and invalidated. Moving from SVS
to MVS significantly aggrevated this ... because MVS was changing
virtual address space pointer at the drop of the hat (and vm370 was
going thru massive overhead constantly invalidating the shadow page
tables everytime MVS reloaded CR1).

370/168 had a 7-entry STO stack. There was a seven entry LRU queue of
the most recently used STO values. Each hardware look-aside buffer entry
had a 3-bit tag ... it was either one of the 7 currently valid STO
entries ... or invalid. MVS constant reloading/changing CR1 was
mitigated on real 168 with the 7-entry STO stack (loading new value into
CR1 didn't do anything if the value was already one of the seven values
in the STO staok). It wasn't until vm370 release 5 with HPO option that
vm370 finally shipped something equivalent to multiple STO-stack
(i.e. multiple shadow page tables being kept for a single virtual
machine ... to try and minimize having to constantly clear all shadow
page table entries every time MVS fiddled with CR1).

The demise of FS saw a big need to get products back into the 370
product pipeline quickly. 3033 was such effort ... take the 370/168
logic and remap it to slightly faster chips. There was also some
activity to introduce some purely MVS microcode performance assists on
3033 ... one such involved cross-memory services. One of the issues with
3033 and cross-memory services ... was the 3033 still had the 370/168
design with 7-entry STO stack ... and cross-memory services was
significantly increasing the number of STOs being used ... overrunning
the seven entries ... with corresponding big increase in look-aside
buffer entry flushing (which netted out to worse performance; somewhat
analogous to the shadow page table flushing that VM was constantly being
forced to do).

42yrs virtualization experience (since Jan68), online at home since Mar1970

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