>I have searched the IBM Service Request (SR) Support Team ticket history and
>could find no submission from you.
Let's just say that I am tired of providing feedback to IBM through the
regular channels. I have done that too often to bother this time around,
too. I am also tired of IBMs general response that since SR (or ETR or-you
name it) is FREE, why should they do anthing? And yes, I got that response
on more than one occasion, not in writing, obviously.

>It appears that last service request you managed via the SR application was in
Yes, and I won't use SR again until I absolutely have to, i.e. after ETR
sunset. I was sick almost immediately of the deluge of useless emails I got
after updating that one incident. In addition to the emails I got from
servicelink, which were a lot less (they *have* learned that lesson!) and
much more meaningful.
Oh, and I had been an on-and-off user of SSR for years, too, so when *that*
switched to SR, I had prior exposure to SR. And the email deluge wasn't as
bad back then.

>While SR is by no means a "student project" that was "coded by clickers", it
>could always stand improvement.
Which makes one wonder why IBM hasn't learned anything from their prior
switching of users to PC-based tools. Or even from *why* certain things are
done the way they are done in ETR.

>I could not reproduce your experience
>I'd recommend you contact our support team at srh...@us.ibm.com to see if
>they can help.
I don't mean to pick on Christian, but this is the stereotypical support
answer. With the general result that they want *screenshots* of the failure,
wasting our time in providing documentation, even when their own (country)
support can reproduce the problem. Some of the support people even have no
clue about the difference between javascript and java, what activeX controls
are and that there are several ways of (dis)allowing them. (Even I with my
well-known aversion to everything clickable know this!)

In addition, the usual 'please empty your history' (gaining one day) and
then 'please also empty your cache' (gaining another day) is annoying!
That's the first thing any thinking user does.

IBM websites quite obviously believe that the rest of the world keeps their
PCs wide open securitywise. Which means the next thing you get is 'please
enable this-or-that'. For every website. Even malicious ones?!? The cookie
deluge that is required for IBM websites to work is bad enough. 

>1. Is SR cheaper?
According to IBM, ETR is "free". (Never mind that you have to have a
software contract that entitles you to getting support in the first place.).
How much "cheaper" can you get? <sarcasm off>

>2. Is SR more reliable?
One of its predecessors, SSR, used to work when ETR did not. Unless the
signon application didn't work. Not to mention that the vm application used
to work beautifully regardless of any clickable stuff. 

>3. Is SR response time faster?
Not in my neck of the woods. And especially not if the pages are
counterintuitive to use and it takes forever to find the right place to click.

>4. Do SR records get priority over non-SR records?
They are all funneled into Retain, and the (MVS) people working on them
couldn't care less how the PMR got there. If anything, last I had seen, even
more rubbish is put into retain from SR than from other sources, obfuscating
the *content* of the problem and making it much harder to even *find* the
'real' answer among all the clutter.

>5. Is SR easier to use?.
Not as far as I am concerned. 

So what's *my* benefit from yet-another-hard-to-use-tool? And those other
ones listed by Christian as "substantial enhancements over ETR", such as: 

>File uploads – Attach multiple files to the service request in-line 
Have *you* ever tried to upload a 5-model-9 standalone dump to IBM? Not to
mention that you have to download it to the PC first. By now,  every
installation for z/OS has their own way of submitting information to IBM.
While other platforms may like that, it is NOT an enhancement for z/OS.

>View/manage all service requests
Yes, well, why does IBM believe that the customer memorizes problem numbers
instead of providing the comment from ETR that a problem was opened with? I
see that that *still* hasn't been addressed, probably in the hopes that it
will be gone once the PMR was opened with SR. And why bother with a
migration help?

>Business partner integration
And who will input those business partners? The admin?!? Why bother? Or is
this part of IBMs strategy to have all the world use the same tools?

>Language options – Interact in multiple languages based upon browser  
Yes, and PLEASE save me from so-called 'multilingual' applications! How's
that for a webpage?

"Auswahl bevorzugter Produkte und Komponenten
You dont have any saved products. Please see the Supported products tab to
select a product."

Or a menue choice called "Display Setting" among the other German menue
choices. That would be 'Bildschirmeinstellung', thank you very much!

Thank you, I prefer my webpages in one language ONLY! And the so-called
'browser-setting' (which in my case is German so that other German websites
work where the English version is terrible) enforces this mishmash on the
IBM pages. It would be much better to enable me to store my language
preference somewhere in my profile instead of using a browser-specific,
all-webpage-on-the internet-encompassing default!

Not to mention that I have to use the English version, anyway, in order to
be understood by native-English-speakers. I'm not American expecting the
rest of the world to use *my* native language! (Some exceptions noted for

Besides, the German Grammar in SR is a catastophe!

Personalization options – Personalize many functions and displays 
What I can see there is not any better than what I could do with Servicelink.

So I repeat: What's my benefit?

>My authority to 'approve' users is gone.
Be thankful! :-) 

Since I was (and am) the servicelink admin, IBM made me SR admin *without my
consent*. And despite my complaining to IBM about it, they haven't undone
this. Which results in 5 to pages of emails every time IBM does something to
the permissions in SR. 

I won't approve any user to SR that I don't personally know (or that my
management told me to approve), and believe me, the mainframe community
working on z/OS is a VERY small subset of the SR users here. The requests to
access SR that I have gotten were all for other departments where I have no
clue if they are entitled. Besides, it doesn't matter, as IBM grants them
'temporary access'. The temporary is indefinitely or gets set by *someone*
at some other time, as I certainly didn't do anything. My backup didn't, either.

What's more, *every* user now has 5-12 entries for entitlement
(automatically done by some migration process probably, and that's even more
than back in October), with no easy distinction on *what* they are entitled
to. (Not that I as a technician have a clue about the contracts we have and
the distinction between 'software entitled' and 'not-software-entitled' or
the other cryptic stuff.) It is really bothersome to read through that list.
Makes it real easy to even *find* the user you're looking for!

And to add insult to injury yet again, there is no way to delete a user
permanently, not even those that have left the company.

>Please continue to manage your user list via ServiceLink.
Let's see if that deleted user now gets migrated into SR!

>My contract is  missing. 
Same here. IBM is fond of switching the entitlement for software ETRs to
customer numbers that we don't even know about, so everyone opening a PMR
got called for a cpu id to do entitlement. Never mind that the entitlement
people never asked themselves why this suddenly started. Some of them then
switched the customer number in the retain record to the new customer
number, effectively making it impossible for us to *see*  the ETR/SR/whatever.

When I got angry about getting called for entitlement, it turned out that we
had several new customer numbers that didn't show up in SR. At least in SR,
I was able (after getting entitled by the support person) to see the other
customer number our problems had ended up with. And now that we have sorted
that out and according to management the software support contract could
switched to the old and familiar customer number, everyone is entitled to
*both* numbers. 

>My product list is missing.
And I saw too many, most of them out of support, anyway, in a
ten-line-mini-window. Great for >200 products!

>I got "No results"
I see that that hasn't changed. SR didn't even understand the compid that I
had a PMR open for and told me 'no results'.

Enough venting.

And Christian, please don't take this personally!

Regards, Barbara Nitz

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