Paul Gilmartin wrote on 01/15/2008 09:40:44 AM: > Would it be better on the first pass do sort on name ascending major; date > descending minor? Then the DEDUPE second pass would be almost trivial.
You can do it in one pass with a DFSORT/ICETOOL job like this: //S1 EXEC PGM=ICETOOL //TOOLMSG DD SYSOUT=* //DFSMSG DD SYSOUT=* //IN DD * FRANK 20080107 FRANK 20080115 PAUL 20071230 FRANK 20071231 PAUL 20080112 GEORGE 20080103 PAUL 20080105 //OUT DD SYSOUT=* //TOOLIN DD * SELECT FROM(IN) TO(OUT) ON(1,7,CH) FIRST USING(CTL1) //CTL1CNTL DD * SORT FIELDS=(1,7,CH,A,8,8,CH,D) OUT would have: FRANK 20080115 GEORGE 20080103 PAUL 20080112 Note that SELECT sets EQUALS automatically. If the records are already in sorted order by the name and date, you can do it more easily like this: //S2 EXEC PGM=ICETOOL //TOOLMSG DD SYSOUT=* //DFSMSG DD SYSOUT=* //IN DD * FRANK 20071231 FRANK 20080107 FRANK 20080115 PAUL 20071230 PAUL 20080105 PAUL 20080112 GEORGE 20080103 //OUT DD SYSOUT=* //TOOLIN DD * SELECT FROM(IN) TO(OUT) ON(1,7,CH) LAST > Will MERGE operate on a single input file, or would it require > SORTIN02 DD DUMMY? You can use one SORTINdd file for MERGE. Frank Yaeger - DFSORT Development Team (IBM) - [EMAIL PROTECTED] Specialties: PARSE, JFY, SQZ, ICETOOL, IFTHEN, OVERLAY, Symbols, Migration => DFSORT/MVS is on the Web at ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at