On Fri, 9 Jan 2009 14:08:29 -0700, Howard Brazee <howard.bra...@cusys.edu>

>There are sites that will benefit significantly from this change.  And
>it's a change that could make IBM better market its product (which
>indirectly helps us).
>Of course, maybe IBM sees its future in AIX instead of ZOS.  I don't
>know that it would be wrong in doing so.   But if it sees both
>coexisting, it should develop them together.

The people over on Midrange-L (the iSeries equivalent of this forum) have
the same complaint that we do on this point. IBM seems, in some ways, to
want to get out of the OS and hardware business. This may not be the case,
but is an easy conclusion to draw when IBM keeps increasing prices and
doesn't seem to "push" the platform like it used to.

Good thing that I'm a Linux bigot. It runs on just about anything and is
fairly consistent whether it is on an Atom (Intel netbook processor) or a
pSeries or a zSeries.


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