On 17 Oct 2006 at 14:52, Romanowski, John (OFT) wrote:

> Shimon, 
> Is the 5.2 system a guest of 4.4 (not sure from your post)?
> If so, I would DFSMSRM MOUNT the tape to the guest userid and
> on 5.2 system just ATTACH the tape drive to MAINT at 181 and use
> the
> virtual cartridge.  Skip the NOASSIGN stuff.

I guess I really was not clear, my apologies.

The 4.4 and 5.2 are 2 different LPARs. 5.2 can only run
in 64bit mode, and our 4.4 is 31bit, so 2nd level is out.

On 17 Oct 2006 at 13:41, Mike Walter wrote:

> I'm guessing that the z/VM 520 "ATTACH" command is causing an
> unload.

No, I checked that by doing a REW and DVOL1 from 4.4
*after* the error on 5.2 .  The tape was still mounted and 
readable in 4.4
> Perhaps try attaching the drive on both systems with NOASSIGN, then
> mount 
> it on 4.4 and try using it on 5.2.

I don't believe it is possible for the DFSMS to mount
a tape on a VTS drive without taking it. After the tape
is mounted the drive gets attached to the requesting user.

That was why I ran the mount in 4.4 first, and then 
just tried to use the drive as-is on 5.2

Thanks for all ideas! Keep them coming :-)

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