On Mon, 3 Dec 2007 08:43:45 -0500, Romanowski, John (OFT) 

>Now that the swap topic's open again:
>What is the basis for advising z/VM VDISK users to have a hierarchy of
>multiple linux swap areas of increasing sizes?   Are there feature(s) of

>the swapping algorithm that make that hierarchy principle optimal?  

The configuration we use includes swap space on real DASD at a lower 
priority than the VDISK swap areas.  Over time Linux will swap more to th
real DASD than the VDISKs.  At this point doing a swap off and then on of
a VDISK swap area frees up the fast VDISK.  Having various VDISK sizes 

allows the flexibility of migrating smaller amounts of swap data during 

busy periods and larger amounts during slow periods.

Brian Nielsen

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