Hi Dennis,

What you want to do (augment an existing tag value) can't be done using j
 DTCPARMS-defined tags and values, because (for a given :type.server and
:type.class pairing) any tag present in the 'server' entry overrides any
same-named tag that exists in the corresponding 'class' entry -- the valu
for the two tags are not combined.

When I first saw your question, I had also intended to suggest use of the

TCPRUNXT exit, but with it, you can't really do exactly what you've descr

You can supply additional (or, replacement) tag/value overrides via the e
(with some limitations, based on the exit call type -- SETUP or BEGIN), b
there is no information provided with the current interface that allows
inspection of the set of tags and values 'known' by TCPRUN at the point o
either call type.  So, you can't modify or augment a tag value based on i
current value.  This is a design point that limits some usefulness of the

exit, at least with respect to what you want to do.  If you see the need 
this capability, a formal request would be the avenue to pursue it.

Though, having now given this some thought, there is likely a way to use 
TCPRUNXT server exit (with a few updates) that would allow what you're
interested in doing.  I'll contact you off-line, after I've had a chance 
see if my ideas for doing this pan out...

Regards, Mark Cibula (z/VM TCP/IP Support)

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