On 8/16/10 10:37 AM, "Macioce, Larry" <larry.maci...@com.state.oh.us> wrote:

> What about Bacula? Dr Boyes could speak could speak on this point better
> And you always want to shutdown the guest to get a good backup

Long term, setting up Bacula would probably be a Good Thing, but probably
doesn't help much in this scenario, other than to give you a convenient way
to dump and restore the contents of the filesystem onto a new disk that
doesn't have the missing VTOC problem.

The question in my mind is whether the last cylinder of the pack is actually
in use and/or whether the filesystem could be resized online to be 180K
smaller (so as to free up the last cylinder). DDR is smart enough to be able
to relocate the disk image (eg, restore it to cyl+1 on another disk), but
that won't fix up any internal references to the filesystem size or LVM
magic that might be there, and you will get Weird Failures that you really
don't want to try to track down. If it can't be resized or is part of a LVM,
then you're SOL on that solution.

Ultimately, if you want to keep using DFDSS (and I'll point out that you
have been EXTREMELY lucky if you haven't had failures of your backups) the
solution is to allocate a new pack with a proper VTOC in cyl 0, and follow
the instructions on linuxvm.org to migrate the filesystem from the current
disk to the new disk. Short of that, you'll have to use DDR for those two
packs (if you use CMSDDR, you can store those two disks as CMS files on one
of the other packs, and then restore them back to real DASD from there).
That's probably the only way you'll be able to do this quickly enough for
your DR test. Larry's suggestion of Bacula is a better long term solution,
but that takes a bit of planning you probably don't have time to do now.

-- db

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