
I don't understand the last paragraph.   When you move AFP resources around,
just use binary all the time.  There is no such thing as blocks or records
on the PC, and then you do a binary upload to a VM file that is RECFM V and
then run AFRREBLK to fix it.

If you enter afrreblk ?
it gives some brief help.  The comments inside the exec explain what it does
and the syntax better.
Upload the files with something like UP300 for the filetype, and then you
could, in FILELIST, do something like
 to create the reblocked FONT300 files.

AFRREBLK will separate the file into records with one structured field per
record.  See the comments in the exec for details.

Does that help?


On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 4:32 PM, Tim O'Brien <tobr...@tobe.com> wrote:

> Hello
> Ok I took the Zip file and extracted the fonts ...
> Yep the 240 are not needed .. but just in case I'm doing both and watching
> my filetype names
> So now I have the Files as they would be on MVS .. but sitting on the PC ..
> likely not blocked as why would you need that, when the library should be
> loaded on an "mvs" like system ..
> That is why I used VMARC .. I assumed it keep the file formats
> I found VMA .. which is the PC/WINDOWS version of VMARC
> I put the files in to one arc file and moved that up Binary/fixed to Z/VM
> Then I extracted the files with VMARC .. yep they came out with recfm v and
> lrecl all over the place ,,, just like normal fonts would look
> but it's all ONE record
> NOTHING generated an error message or warning about file not be correctly
> formatted
> My quick guess is that either extracted from the TSO file or the pc version
> of VMARC does not know how/where the lines should have been separated ...
> ...
> Ok we have used the reblocker after moving AFP resources to the mainframe,
> but the file was preblocked by the generating program .. is there a blocker
> program and does it have a version for the PC .. and then are these files
> on
> the PC even blocked up to start with
> ...
> Hope all is well, Enjoy
> tim

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