Good luck Richard, and thanks for the many, many times you've helped me and 
others in the Community over the years.

Mark Wheeler
UnitedHealth Group



"Excellence. Always. If Not Excellence, What? If Not Excellence Now, When?" 

Tom Peters, author of "The Little BIG Things"

Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2011 09:51:14 -0700
Subject: Moving on

After 48 years in the industry, involved with VM for the last 38 of them, I 
will be retiring early next month. I don't think it is possible to find a 
better group of people than the VM List. The professionalism, the willingness, 
eagerness, to help others is outstanding. You have made my job easier. I wish 
you all the best. It has been nice, sometimes even fun, to know and work with 
such an exemplary group of people. 

Richard Schuh 

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