On 12/10/22 4:31 AM, Dave Crocker wrote:
On 12/9/2022 9:25 PM, Michael Thomas wrote:
Yeah, your own website. Sorry if I don't give this any credence.

I thought you were insisting that ad hominems stop.

In any event, the reference is to a list of factual comparisons. They are objectively true or false.

Feel free to focus on substance and not personality.

The fact that you think that the lack of a comparison between IIM and DKIM tells us something is ridiculous. I have no idea whether anybody did such a comparison, but who cares if they didn't? What point you are trying to make belittling our contribution is a complete mystery. Your assertions about timing, etc in an effort to discredit us are factually incorrect. And of course it's a personal attack since it's just trying to attack the your interlocutors: see mystery. But that was evident from the beginning with you telling us that you know better what was in our heads then we did. You are not the gatekeeper of DKIM history and never have been. Nobody is. Stop these silly attacks.


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