--- LinuxLingam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> dear all,
> i think the slogan makes a rather powerful
> statement. check it out with
> the accompanying visual.
  Well, nice design but Raj said in Nov meet they want
a t-shirt with logo near the pocket area (recall the
bob t-shirt which was shown as example), and also we
had decided to purchase t-shirts with collar or what
are normally known as polos. Just a question, willa
written slogan suit a polo?? I am not a graphics
artist or fashion designer so i am eanble to envision
a good design of polo with a slogan, noramlly polos
come with just small logo and no slogans. But we
belong to FLOSS so we can change the rule but the
t-shirt should be apealing.

with reagrds

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