On Sat, 2003-12-06 at 10:03, vivek khurana wrote:
> --- LinuxLingam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > dear all,
> > i think the slogan makes a rather powerful
> > statement. check it out with
> > the accompanying visual.
>   Well, nice design but Raj said in Nov meet they want
> a t-shirt with logo near the pocket area (recall the
> bob t-shirt which was shown as example), and also we
> had decided to purchase t-shirts with collar or what
> are normally known as polos. Just a question, willa
> written slogan suit a polo?? I am not a graphics
> artist or fashion designer so i am eanble to envision
> a good design of polo with a slogan, noramlly polos
> come with just small logo and no slogans. But we
> belong to FLOSS so we can change the rule but the
> t-shirt should be apealing.

great question vivek,

here are the answers:

1) on a polo, the logo can be near the pocket area, much reduced, and it
will look quite elegant. you could then optionally use the penguin on
the sleeve edge, or put the penguin on the pocket area, and use the
ilug-d logo on the sleeve edge. on a polo, you usually put slogans in a
small, distinct, but understated manner, on the back.

these are norms that tend to appeal to people. to break these norms such
that they look aesthetic, dramatic, and innovative, is the task of a
graphic/fashion designer. and this can and will be done in due course.
this is not specific to the linux community, you know, because we are
the linux community kind of thing. this is design. and design is about
innovation through defiance, breaking existing rules, and re-thinking
existing concepts.

its a separate, deep, intricate discipline. you could drown in it and
never resurface for the rest of your life. (like me).


2) one interesting twist we can bring to the polo teeshirts, is to have
interesting color combinations. for example, the polo teeshirt can be
black, the black_and-white-and-yellow ilug-d logo on the pocket. the
colors or the color edges, and the sleeve edges, can be in yellow. or
even the inside button margins can be in yellow. would look just
awesome. am sure you guys have seen polo designs of this nature. you
could even do this in three colors, with hints of white used in these
margin and edge areas.

3) the logo, logodesign, logotype, slogan, are done. how/where/ you use
them is always left open. from business cards, stationary, websites, to
merchandize. each implementation must enhance and resonate the logo

by the way, Linux Asia, the biggest linux expo is happening right here
in delhi in february. so i feel this is a great moment to take the
Ilug-D identity and design, and use it during the expo, assuming ilug-d
has stands, members are visiting the show, holding a talk, or whatever.

this is the time for us to be out in large numbers and communicate our
existence through our logo and slogan.


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