--- Mairu Gupta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I dont think you understand what was being conveyed.
> He made it for his own bliss, and that bliss will
> help the community most 
> effectively. There will one in a million individuals
> who will ultimately play 
> for their team and not at all look at their own
> success. For example, the 
 If your team succeds you suceed. 

> indian cricket team. In any case, here even success
> is not the question.
> It's about "inner bliss". It's a hard thing to
> understand vivek ji. 
 It is not hard at all you are just twisting the
> Kindly think first. And type after.
 I always do that.

> If you understand what "my own inner bliss" means,
> then if any player in the 
> team plays without it, the team will loose most
> definitely.
 "My inner bliss" does not means that you keep on
doing what ever you like.
> If you properly understand what a community is, then
> you see, Linus first made 
> it out of his inner bliss. He did not make it for
> the community to advertise 
> it for him. What he did first was most important,
> which was out of his inner 
> bliss. What the community did came later. Everything
> is only a piece of code, 
> by the way. If you like, inner bliss too.
 Read the afore said post first, beacause if you would
had then you would not make such a comment. Linus was
just toying with the idea of OS, probably to learn how
OS works, as minix was an educational OS. What he gave
to us was a clone of minix with gcc and bash with it.
I am sure there was no bliss inviolved in it.
> Quote : "please dont send me irrational,
> philosophical comments such as "your 
> own bliss" "
> You really must be paranoid to call it irrational.
 Come out of your autism. You did not even understand
the meaning of word bliss. It is the most
inappropriate word in this situation. And please don't
post the meaning from a dictionary as a reply to this,
i had checked with most of them. Although, it appears
to me that you are in a bliss over bliss.
> With a signature like this ::
> "When DESTINY has closed all the DOORS; 
> Jump out of the WINDOW "
> Nothing can be expected of you, anyway.
 Well again you prove me, you are just twisting the
words and did not get the meaning of the sentence. I
can write a lot as an answer for this "personalized"
comment, but i don't want to start a flame war. All i
will say just read the sentence again, and don't try
to find a bliss, and drop your adolscent behaviour for
a while then you will come to know who need to be
pardoned and what should be expected from whom.
 Whosoever is reading this message, i will recomend to
refrain from making personilised comments such as

with regards

When DESTINY has closed all the DOORS;
Jump out of the WINDOW

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