On Sat, 2003-12-06 at 20:39, vivek khurana wrote:

> if we go by our
> current experience i don't think many ppl are wiling
> to buy a linux delhi t-shirt. And if we don't come up
> with a good design many others will also drop out
> (including me). 
>  So right now we have to decide whether we want
> t-shirts or not????


did you see the movie, 'field of dreams'?
the greatest dialog in the movie:

"If you do it, they will come."

i designed the logo and all the graphic design for my own bliss. key
operative words ; 'MY OWN BLISS".

i will print one and wear it. for my own bliss.

i have given it to others if they wish to share the design. but that is
their freedom, their choice.

abhishek loved the design and stuff, and said he'd go and just
thermal-print one for himself, for his own bliss.

linus coded linux, not to topple m$, but following his own bliss.

i wrote the '7 steps' documents, for my own bliss.

so my slogan: follow your own bliss.

if the whole community votes against using gnulinux for some reason and
decides to move on to mac jaguar, or *bsd, or plan9, great. i will
follow my own bliss.

community is about *first* following your own bliss. and those who wish
to share the bliss can dip in. the invitation is open.

when mahatma gandhi would invite people to come to meetings for
discussing freedom, not enough people would even turn up. so gandhi
would pick up the broom himself and sweep the floors himself and start
the meetings. this is following your own bliss.

i did not put up the logo design for voting. it is there on fdl so
others can share. meanwhile, i will go and print one for myself, and
make my artworks, and posters, and whatever i want, for my bliss.


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