--- LinuxLingam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> did you see the movie, 'field of dreams'?
> the greatest dialog in the movie:
> "If you do it, they will come."
> i designed the logo and all the graphic design for
> my own bliss. key
> operative words ; 'MY OWN BLISS".
 I did not designed the logo for "my own bliss", i
designed it after voluntering for the task whenit was
announced in the nov meet.
> i will print one and wear it. for my own bliss.
> i have given it to others if they wish to share the
> design. but that is
> their freedom, their choice.
> abhishek loved the design and stuff, and said he'd
> go and just
> thermal-print one for himself, for his own bliss.
 If you are doing something for your own bliss then
don't use the name of a community.
> linus coded linux, not to topple m$, but following
> his own bliss.
 Linus designed a toy OS (read his posting on minix
newgroup dated 25/8/1991), it was the community which
has made it stand out and a challenge for M$, else
linux is nothing more than a piece of code. Linus
didn't even named it Linux he named it "Frax" it was
the community which named it "linux".
> i wrote the '7 steps' documents, for my own bliss.
 Then why did you published them?? If they were for
your own bliss you should have kept them to yourself
> so my slogan: follow your own bliss.
> if the whole community votes against using gnulinux
> for some reason and
> decides to move on to mac jaguar, or *bsd, or plan9,
> great. i will
> follow my own bliss.
 If they move to someother open ware then they will be
part of that community and not this one.
> community is about *first* following your own bliss.
> and those who wish
> to share the bliss can dip in. the invitation is
> open.
 If every one starts following their bliss then what
will be the identity of Linux-Delhi?? It will not be a
group any more. To be part of a group or tema you have
to keep everyone together and also be part of it at
the same time. Every community has a goal of his own
which can be acheived only if everyone works together.
Imagine waht will happen to a soccer team if every
player, starts following his own bliss and plays his
own game. The result, such a team will defivnately
loose the game. i am saying this on my experience as a
soccer team captian, in my school
> i did not put up the logo design for voting. it is
> there on fdl so
> others can share. meanwhile, i will go and print one
> for myself, and
> make my artworks, and posters, and whatever i want,
> for my bliss.
 I posted the logos for voting as it was decided in
the nov meet. We were not able to come to concrete
terms for a logo. Every one had a rough sketch of how
it should look like. While designing i conbined those
ideas with mine and also got some ideas after viewing
logos of different user groups across the world. 
 Voting was just the first toward deiding on the
comprehensive features of logo. 
 Stop commenting on selection process opted by me, i
am not doing this for my own bliss, it was decided in
the meet in which you were absent. I was following a
step by step democrating process and did not pop up
with a logo and  copyright attached to it.
 Ll, see a reflection of your action, your action to
logo issue might give a wrong impression about linux
delhi logo. Your design is welcome but you posted it
in  such a way that it appeared, as if anyone can come
with its own logo. If you wanted to share log idea,
you could have posted them and added to the poll, but
what you do is, announce them as if they are some sort
of GPL program which can be downloaded by any one and
linked to his or her code. If three ppl liked your
logos there could be 9 who would have disliked it,
with an open voting we could have incorporated the
features accepted by a majority.

with regards

PS:- please dont send me irrational, philosophical
comments such as "your own bliss".

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