Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
> the only question being asked here is 'should the community  
> participate in conferences where microsoft is a sponsor' - and if it  
> does, how does the community benefit?

I believe there is a disconnect between what Kenneth is talking about 
and what others are talking about.

We all (Kenneth included) believe that every company (even Microsoft) 
should have as much an opportunity as others to be at a FOSS event if it 
has something relevant to say. This is probably a point on which every 
body including LA, Anupam, Kenneth agree upon.

Kenneth(and Me and others) goes beyond this argument with the following 
line - Microsoft has had enough opportunities to participate in FOSS in 
the time so far. Microsoft has announced its intentions and beliefs 
rather clearly everytime - it doesn't like GPL/Free software/Opensource, 
and it will go to any length to subvert this 
community/movement/industry. It has shown its subversive intentions this 
time too - by undermining Linux in a Linux event by ostentatiously 
participating to show their open source offerings, and then promoting 
their closed source software as an alternative.

Given this rather long track record of Microsoft, we feel that it has no 
place in an Free/Open Source event of any nature. Its presence(leave 
alone sponsorship) itself undermines the event's credibility.

It is because of this argument, that we are considering whether we 
should associate ourselves with any organization which doesn't feel the 
same way about our movement.

And please, for those focusing on the "practical side of Linux", it 
would be best that you stay away from this discussion. You obviously 
don't look at the larger picture. There would be no Linux/FOSS if people 
only focused on the "practical side".

- Sandip

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