On 2/8/07, Vishnu Gopal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 2/8/07, Parthan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > [snip snip snip]
> >
> > 3. We were too tempted to know what 'interoperability' they meant were
> > all about, so we went to the M$ stall and enquired what they were having
> > there for display on a Linux conference. The answer was "we have a
> > presentation running, you can see that." On the other hand, other stalls
> > like Collabnet, Spike Source, Turbo Linux, etc were kind enough to
> > explain in detail about their product, answer all queries and even open
> > to some criticisms. The people posted at the M$ stall were not techies
> > and were not even able to tell what they had displayed in their stall.
> > We dont expect the reply "check the power point presentation" when some
> > one eager enough to know something about their presence approaches.
> Offtopic, but I was there as well and it's not M$ alone that did this.
> Google also had eyecandy gurls and pretty much nothing in their stalls
> except a box where you can fill in an application to join them. Nobody
> however takes them out on this which is sad. Anti-MS fervor can get
> you far, but perhaps it can also make you blind.

well what do you expect google to show..  a screen with google search
opened..? or  gmail? or orkut? or youtube? or google earth?... at
least they have something to do with FOSS.. whether they are there for
hiring..or drumming up for SoC...
 what would tehelka show except their weekly.., or Novell ..except
their half propreitry stuff.. so with other stalls.. while all other
stalls used it in their own way.. they were atleast related to FOSS
... while M$ aint..
 after all it was LA... not foss.in / freedel / gnunify..


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