On 2/8/07, G Karunakar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 2/8/07, Vishnu Gopal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [snip]
> well what do you expect google to show..  a screen with google search
> opened..? or  gmail? or orkut? or youtube? or google earth?... at
> least they have something to do with FOSS.. whether they are there for
> hiring..or drumming up for SoC...
>  what would tehelka show except their weekly.., or Novell ..except
> their half propreitry stuff.. so with other stalls.. while all other
> stalls used it in their own way.. they were atleast related to FOSS
> ... while M$ aint..
>  after all it was LA... not foss.in / freedel / gnunify..
> Karunakar

If they have something to do with FOSS then a demo would do wonders.
Frankly I'm disgusted at Google stalls I see at conferences everywhere
- and yeah was at Foss.in too this year where they had six big couches
and two (admittedly better looking) girls =).

Contrast that to the Sun stall at Foss.in and the energy and enthu of
the people there was amazing. Used to think Sun was a crappy company
but just the tech demos there had me converted. Please note, this is
not a comparison of what M$ did versus what Google did or is doing,
but just a comment on their conference stalls.


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