On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 8:11 PM, Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 30 2008, Sandip Bhattacharya wrote:
>        There is nothing that requires it, no. But then, we are not
>  talking about requirements, we are talking about whether Ubuntu fits
>  into the free software ecosystem, instead of leeching off it.

How you can define free software ecosystem as just developing and
coding ?, I don`t really seems the point here, According to me Free
Software Ecosystem is much much more than that.

>        The intent is not to narrowly compare commercial free software;
>  the idea is to see if Ubuntu does indeed fit the model of a good free
>  software citizen.

The level to which Ubuntu has brought Free OS I see at as a true Free
sofware citizen. Please try coming out of *code* mentality and see
more sight of a development ecosystem.

>        They do not report bugs, and they do not pass their fixes
>  upstream -- which is worse. As a specific example, fixes to my
>  code ought to being fed back to me (ucf, kernel-package, etc) -- just
>  like I feed back changes to my upstream using _their_ preferred means
>  of communications.
>        The way things  with changes are that if you make changes,
>  you pass them to the upstream developer, using their preferred means of
>  communication: that mean you use their mailing lists, their bug
>  tracking system, rebasing the changes to hteir release, and not mixing
>  in your own rebrancding changes or changes upstream made that you
>  cherry picked into one giant diff kept behind a locked door in the
>  basement with the words "Beware of the leopard" on the locked door.

Crazy idea , That means if i want to start a company or make a new OS
, I need to go through 1000 bugzilla looking at bug fixes and putting
my quality time there , Not practical

>        Yes. Launchpad is not free.

Can you download the propieratery distribution link of Launchpad ?
Pass me the link if you find it

>> Isn't there a commitment from Canonical to open source it? Why don't
>> you go ask other companies provide online services to the community to
>> open source their server software? Quite a few of those come to mind!
>        All of the server software Debian uses to provide services
>  (including debbugs) are free software.

And that makes Ubuntu evil, Cmmon !

>        That they lie about contributing back to Debian, hen they do not.

What makes you think that, Look at mark`s blog and you will find
various posts explaining. Or look at mails above it`s well defined by

Thanks and Regards
Gaurav Mishra

Linux User #348873
"When i can run , i will run , When i can walk , i will walk, When i can
crawl , i will crawl. But i will not stop moving forward"

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