As a web site designer I'm still throwing condcoms at 1E6/7. The latest stats (Jan2010) show that IE6 still has 20.07% market share (IE7 has 17.1%, and IE8 has 22.31%).

You may feel 'free at last', but I saw an article recently where MS announced they would be supporting IE6 until 2014:

I would be foolhardy to ignore IE6 at this point, as much as I would like to...

Bruce Johnson wrote:

One. If you're going to top-post, at least trim the quoted message.

Two. They're not going to lose many users, because the browsers they're dropping haven[t been supported for a very long time, or have been thoroughly supplanted (like IE) by newer versions.

Three. It was an IE vulnerability that got Google hacked. MS isn't fixing IE 6 becusse they consider it an EOL application. As a Web developer I say "Free at last, free at last, thank god almighty I'm free of IE6 at last!"

As a side effect, you're likely to notice web pages become marginally faster as they shed the excess JS code that IE6 required to work.

Four. Based on published sales figures, the vast majority of Mac users are using Intel-based systems.

Five. Your iBook can run a modern, supported version of Firefox, or Opera.

Six. Your iBook can run 10.4, under which ALL of the supported Mac browsers work. 10.4 was a substantial improvement over 10.3, and is pretty much light years beyond earlier versions of OS X.

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