Thanks for the important info, Gorka. Many institutions are like your hospital I'm certain. The problem is that the older the browser, the less secure... those ie versions are full of holes, and on top of that eventually those will 'break' as the web pushes tech ever more forward... then people will have to upgrade or be left out. But I don't blame companies for not upgrading every time the latest & greatest comes out; after all it's really expensive, especially in man hours, when a lot of people have to get used to a new 'environment'. You might want to mention the Firefox and Opera browsers to somebody there who has some clout... they work great on Windows as well as Mac, and they certainly must be more secure than anything MS is currently throwing at Windows users. Actually, Firefox has been cannibalizing IE market share, at an ever -increasing rate of speed, over the past few months from what I understand.

Gorka L Martinez Mezo wrote:
As a web site designer I'm still throwing condcoms at 1E6/7. The latest stats (Jan2010) show that IE6 still has 20.07% market share (IE7 has 17.1%, and IE8 has 22.31%).

You may feel 'free at last', but I saw an article recently where MS announced they would be supporting IE6 until 2014:

I would be foolhardy to ignore IE6 at this point, as much as I would like to...

In my hospital until last year most computers (and we have many!) were using IE 6. Now many have been upgraded to IE7, but older models are still running with IE6. All computers use Windows XP Professional and there are no plans to move to Windows 7 in a near future. There a few older machines with Win 2000 or even Win 98, but disappearing fast.

Gorka from Spain

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