Yeah, Firefox for one is climbing rapidly re market share on pcs... and my sites designed (Dreamweaver CS4; I'm not a programmer per se) on mac look the same on winxp in Safari, Firefox, etc. And from what I've seen re IE8 screenshots of my pages (I tried using IE8 on my G4 Powerbook running Leopard and VPC 7, but could only bring up blank pages although it actually loaded sites) at least the layouts are identical, and fonts are better rendered than in 6 and 7.

I just feel better including IE6/7 at this time.

Bruce Johnson wrote:

On Feb 3, 2010, at 12:07 PM, Bill Chapman wrote:

As a web site designer I'm still throwing condcoms at 1E6/7. The latest stats (Jan2010) show that IE6 still has 20.07% market share (IE7 has 17.1%, and IE8 has 22.31%).

It's plummeting fast.

You may feel 'free at last', but I saw an article recently where MS announced they would be supporting IE6 until 2014:

I wonder whether that policy will change now, after the Great Chinese Hole was found.

I would be foolhardy to ignore IE6 at this point, as much as I would like to...

It depends. If you have to be open to all comers, then yeah, you're stuck; after all, you were just able to give up the IE4 stuff what, last week? 8-P

For sites where you can reasonably demand that the users change, it's becoming very easy to drop it (and all you have to to is point to the recent googlehacking to get bosses to sign on!).

What I'm tired of is websites still demanding that ONLY IE is allowed, particularly public-facing the AZ Board of Medicine. <> Go to their Physician Search page to see HTML atrocity.

I've contacted them and their official response to Mac users is essentially 'GFY, got to the library and use a "real" computer'

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