Kepada Siswo yang baik
Dengan hormat,

Do you actually think that UNAMET cheated with the vote counting or what?
Isn't it a tactic in politics to blame the vote counters - eg last
Indonesian election this also happened - its a last ditch attempt for the
loser to justify not accepting the results of democratic election - someone
has to lose - dan menerima pilihan rakyat dengan ikhlas - itulah demokrasi
I am really interested to know if you use the word cheating - do you - in
your heart -actually believe that Unamet cheated when they counted 78% of
the votes for independence-
If you really believe that Unamet cheated - what are you suggesting needs to
be done about it- milita leaders on TVRI stated that they want the
referendum not to be recognised -obviously they don't want to lose and are
now doing ANYTHING at all in order not to menakui they lost the vote.
Pada saat ini kita yang mencintai Indonesia dan Australia mesti menengis
Salam dari Judith

>Dear Michael
>Until now, no answer about the UNAMET cheating, it's the key of the

When you say its the key to the problem - do you actually think the
referendum could be held again - ? That's really impossible isn't it?

The referendum model with international standard is OK,
>but the way to carry out the referendum was cheated by UNAMET.
>No fairness belongs to Indonesia :-(
>The UN does not care to the UNAMET cheating, just refer to the model but
>to its validation and fairness.
>West (sponsored by Australia but common people still named it as a 'londo')
>seems to be arogan, and want to show how the hero Oz is.
>I am afraid, it will be a boomerang to OZ, as the Nationalism feeling  of
>Indonesia will be increased when the Australian Arm Force force to enter
>TimTim, that the situation will be complicated, a war between Indo - Oz
>begins. The ways the Australian Media and churches make or publish the
>unbalanced report will hurt other Indonesian people (not the government).
>Indonesia indeed has internal problems, but when external force enters the
>system, the story will be different.
>It is sad :-(
>Soal izin DK PBB itu, negara kontributor memandangnya perlu. Sebab, bila
>tidak ada izin itu, bukan mustahil mereka akan terlibat pertempuran dengan
>tentara Indonesia maupun milisi sipil proJakarta. Namun, di Radio ABC,
>Downer berusaha terus meyakinkan negara yang akan menjadi kontributor
>pasukan penjaga perdamaian Timtim itu.
>>Dear Siswanto Siswo
>>Yes, friendships will be strained. That is sad. I am not asking for action
>>against individual Indonesians in Australia or economic sanctions. What I
>>want is for you guys to tell your mates in Jakarta that Australia and the
>>rest of the world won't approve of the tactics of the past to reinforce
>>Indonesian control in East Timor. And that Indonesians will have the shame
>>of the East Timor oppression on their shoulders for generations to come.
>>You haven't forgotten the poor performance by Portugal in 1975. How long
>>will it take the world to forget Indonesia's performance in East Timor
>>today. At least, 25 years? Much, much more.
>>Michael Suss
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