peta baker wrote:
> I tend to agree with you , there is no price on a human life and its not
> anti indonesian feelings, its anti genocide  that we're against. And yes you
> are right, the military are paying the militia, if they weren't, then they'd
> stop the gunfire etc after the martial law was introduced, instead of
> standing idly by and watching the scenario unfold. In years to come, I hope
> Indonesians will sort out their problems, but unfortunately the complexity
> and number of the problems will take a long time. Peace is a hopeful prayer
> that many australians have for  Indonesia. What happens to them, has a
> reverberating effect on us all.  salam, peta

Hallo sambil belajar bahasa indonesia ya, kita sudah sering ber email
melalui "jokes" via "japri" Mbak (Mas?) Peta Baker. Saya hanya ingin
bertanya mengapa perhatian orang-orang Oz lebih tertuju kepada timor-
timur dan bukan ke aceh atau ambon, kalau memang dasarnya adalah
humanisme atau anti-genocide? Bukankah ini pertanyaan yang sederhana?
Jadi mestinya anda dapat menjawab:-)

Saya berharap "Peace is a hopeful prayer that many australians have for
Indonesia." tanpa membeda-bedakan:-)

Salam manis
--                                        Djoko Luknanto-Jack la Motta

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