>I can also assure you of another thing: The US monitors all communications
>in Indonesia. Australia has monitored all communications traffic going in
>and out, and throughout East Timor. It will not be difficult in finding the
>guilty ones to put up on trial for "crimes against humanity".

OOOoooch ... crimes against humanity, untuk siapa ?
ooooo Aborogin riwayatmu dulu,
210 tahun belum selesai juga
210 / 24 = hampir 9 kalinya TimTim

Dulu James Cook melaporkan bahwa Aborigin itu BUKAN manusia, maka benua 
Australia adalah kosong,
Kemana tanah-tanahmu wahai Aborogin ?

Use your mirror to see yourself, please.

Silahkan lakukan crimes against humanity, saya setuju, kalau ADIL untuk 


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