I currently create long term purchasing plans; continuous, short term and long term "goals/vision" that gets shared administratively . . . and then publish a tech newsletter for all staff about 3 times/year discussing what's been going on, training being offered, some things we are looking into, etc. (which reminds me--I need to get one out before break!). But what I also wonder if there needs to be a collective group (teaching staff, admin, board)-- who you can also go back to as "one of your own have made these decisions also". -- a step beyond the information you put out to everyone.

Good discussion for a Wednesday morning!

On Dec 16, 2009, at 8:26 AM, Lance Lennon wrote:

While there may be some disagreement on the practicality and usefulness of committees, they are required by the State in some areas for the State visit. While not currently mandated, the technology committee is very much recommended by the Site Visit Teams as per instructions from the State DE. I would recommend setting up one that has an Administrator, Board Member, Faculty Member, and a Community Member.

I really like the way that Layne described the setup in Sioux City. That seems like a very good way to go. My only fear is that the once a month non face to face meeting would be like herding cats. And with Teachers (speaking as a teacher) non the less.

Just sayin...

On Dec 15, 2009, at 7:02 PM, Jackie Fonley wrote:

Hey, all! Do any of you have technology advisory boards? How do they work? How often do you meet? I feel I need a "buy in" of staff who see us moving forward. I have been rolling out some great things with resistance (and i know that happens) -- but wondering if an advisory group who also agrees helps the rollout process. My counter to some have been "would you visit a hospital with outdated procedures/technology?". But just curious in what others are doing. Thanks-- and happy holidays to everyone. I hope you enjoy your break!

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"UNIX is basically a simple operating system, but you have to be a genius to understand the simplicity."
   ~ Dennis Ritchie
Lance L. Lennon
District Technology Director
Eagle Grove Community School District

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