
I was thinking to bring this suggestion myself, and I'm glad Yibo did.
Having a Scope field in unicast addresses seems (to me) to solve all-so-many problems.
I would go further to allow nodes to only send, receive and forward packets from- and 
to- the same scope.

Being still on the IPv6 learning curve I might well be wrong, but it seems to me the 
silver bullet for:
- Killing NAT ("site local" interfaces, whether globally unique or not, may never 
communicate with global unicast
- Simplifying address selection
- Cleaning the routing tables
- Simplifying router design and setup

Coming from a router design point-of-view, the current address architecture, and more 
important, the forseeable and
unforseeable changes within it, make it difficult to desgin a mechanism that 
identifies the source/destination address

OK - now I'm ready to take the flames...


-- Nir Arad

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Yibo Zhang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Alain Durand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2003 12:38 PM
Subject: Re: Moving forward on Site-Local and Local Addressing

> Alain Durand wrote:
> > IMHO, what need to happen is the following:
> >
> > -1. Make an in-depth study of the consequences of introducing
> >      addresses with different ranges.
> That's definitely a good idea because that way we might be able to
> replace all current local addresses with a single type of local addresses
> with a Range or Scope field like the multicast addresses.
> It would looks more consistent, more flexible, more scalable, and could
> even help the WG move the current situation forward more smoothly and
> smartly.
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Direct all administrative requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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