> ARIN & NANOG are nothing more than heat lately (all hot air?). As I
> suggested at NANOG this week, the right thing to do is for the WG to define
> the space, and turn it over to IANA to manage.

the internet's addressing system uses a combination of top-down architectural
guideance (from IAB and IESG and the WGs) and bottom-up operational policy
guideance (from the RIRs).  the fact that this proposal is garnering a lot
of heat from the bottom-up side of the process ought to be a strong hint
that the top-down side ought to listen carefully and use great caution.

> Beyond that it was all policy anyway, so the fact that it is defined makes
> no difference if policy chooses to ignore it. Not defining it leaves policy
> with no alternative but to succumb to those that want nothing more than to
> exercise power through control of the address space.
> I say wrap it up and ship it. 

if that's what we're doing, then, i say kill it.

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