Julien Laganier writes:
> On Wednesday 27 February 2008, Thomas Narten wrote:
> > We'll never get them to rely on IPsec, at least not until its much
> > more widely available/useable. 
> Agree. But I think the availability part can be helped by keeping IPsec 
> mandatory (so that it gets in more and more OS's), while the usability 
> part can be helped by getting the BTNS WG to deliver its APIs (so that 
> applications can finally start using IPsec).

You get exactly that same level of goodness with a BCP 14 "SHOULD."
The only difference is that "MUST" causes implementors with differing
fundamental marketing considerations to toss the whole requirements
RFC out on its ear -- because it mandates something that (in their
view) ought not be done or perhaps simply _cannot_ be done with
available resources.

MUST doesn't actually cause any more implementations to appear in
comparison to SHOULD.  I think your argument would work, though, if we
were discussing SHOULD versus MAY.

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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