Greg - RFC 3736 is simply a summary of how DHCPv6 can be used with a two-message exchange and a simplified server. It was intended to describe how DHCPv6 might be implemented in network elements to provide "other configuration information" without the "overhead" of a full-featured DHCPv6 server. RFC 3736 does *not* describe the only way in which a client can get "other configuration information" from a server.

If I were doing a client implementation, I would be tempted to key the use of DHCPv6 from the availability of addresses and other configuration information. That is, I would guess it would be unlikely that a client would use DHCPv6 for address assignment if the client has a manually assigned address or a SLAAC address, and I would guess the client would use DHCPv6 for other configuration information if it doesn't have manually configured information like DNS servers, etc. I would likely set up the DHCPv6 client to send a Solicit if it has no other addresses (RA doesn't have 'A' set in prefix advert, no manual address) and send an Information-request if it does have assigned addresses.

Arguably, this analysis over-simplifies - suppose the host is attached to a multi-homed network that uses SLAAC for addresses from one upstream network and DHCP for addresses from another. In that case, I suppose the host would have to use both SLAAC and DHCPv6 ... which, I suppose, would be OK if the host got the SLAAC prefixes from one router and the DHCPv6 prefixes from another.

- Ralph

On Oct 13, 2008, at Oct 13, 2008,5:15 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

A DHCPv6 server will answer all Solicits, even if it has no addresses to provide, with an Advertise. The difference is in the status code in each IA.

I don't believe that is an accurate statement. According to RFC 3736 section 5.1, clients and servers implement the following messages for stateless DHCP service: Info-Request, Reply, Relay- Forward, and Relay-Reply.

So, there is no Solicit and no Advertise with Stateless DHCPv6.


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