On Tue, 24 May 2011 10:13:17 +1200
Brian E Carpenter <brian.e.carpen...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Mark,
> On 2011-05-24 09:56, Mark Smith wrote:
> ...
> > I'm not particularly pro-SLAAC, however I sit back and wonder what is
> > missing from it that makes DHCP essential? 
> To be blunt, that conversation isn't worth having. SLAAC is clearly
> essential for isolated or bootstrapping networks to self-configure.
> DHCP is clearly viewed as essential by many network managers. EOM.

"  3.2 If there are several ways of doing the same thing, choose one.
   If a previous design, in the Internet context or elsewhere, has
   successfully solved the same problem, choose the same solution unless
   there is a good technical reason not to.  Duplication of the same
   protocol functionality should be avoided as far as possible, without
   of course using this argument to reject improvements."

It's shame IPv6 fails on that count. I'm genuinely asking what the
improvements are to justify why two mechanisms that are almost
functionally equivalent.

> ...
> >> (Hmm, maybe I should just write such a spec now, given the M&O bit
> >> definitions are in the twilight zone anyway... Discussion of what to
> >> do with them was effectively removed from the last revisions of the
> >> SLAAC documents, so now there is no clear guidance on how to process
> >> them. The IETF at its finest...)
> >>
> > 
> > I'm a bit confused, I find this text in RFC4862 quite clear as to what
> > to do -
> It doesn't specify startup defaults and the like. RFC 5887, Section 5.1.1,
> bottom of page 12, discusses this.
> If you're concerned about SLAAC/DHCPv6 conflict resolution, see
> draft-liu-ipv6-renum-conflicts (and join the re...@ietf.org list).

Thanks for the reference, I'll have a look.

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