On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 7:07 PM, Manfredi, Albert E
<albert.e.manfr...@boeing.com> wrote:
> Mark Smith wrote:

> Mark, as I suggested previously, DHCP is useful in cases where you need the 
> IP addresses of hosts in a network to be predictable. I have no idea why 
> cable systems want DHCP, but I'm saying that IN GENERAL, if hosts needs to 
> know a priori what the address of other hosts is, SLAAC falls flat on its 
> face.
> For example, a peer-to-peer network, where you don't want to rely on a DNS.

really, the simplest case is enterprise networks:
  joe's machine always gets address 1:2:3::4/128
  janes machine always gets 1.2.3::5/128

this way techsupport always has a predictable mapping for these hosts,
they can identify form log messages over time what jane vs joe did...
not have ot worry about keeping track of the vagaries of privacy
addressing and jane/joe/etc flip flopping around the subnet at

Brian's point though is fair: Drive through, nothing new to discuss
here (wrt WHY)

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