On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 4:21 PM, Ralph Droms <rdroms.i...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thomas - (hoping to fan the discussion) I think operators have expressed the 
> desire to operate networks in DHCP-only mode, and the response has been "No, 
> you don't really want to operate your networks that way".

one gotcha with 'dhcp only' is perhaps folks mean: "slaac to signal v6
is on-net, but require full config from a dhcpv6 server".
How does a host know that v6 is available otherwise? (this may be why
someone said "you don't really want to do that..')


> If operators came forward again with a strong desire to operate networks 
> using only DHCP, and no other technical reason, would they get a different 
> answer today?
> - Ralph
> On May 23, 2011, at 4:10 PM 5/23/11, Thomas Narten wrote:
>>> Is the intention for the new text to relax the requirement for
>>> auto-configuration?
>> No. SLAAC remains a MUST. DHCPv6 though is now a SHOULD.
>> For one thing, DHCP doesn't have an option configure on-link prefixes,
>> so we still need SLAAC.
>> What we should have done oh-so-long-ago is ensure that you could
>> configure/operate a network with just DHCP (and no SLAAC at all) and
>> vice versa, and than made both a MUST on hosts.  That way, operators
>> truly have the choice as to which to use and everything would just
>> work.
>> Thomas
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